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Interrogative pronouns

Hey there! 
So, you've tackled the world of modal verbs in Dutch, and now it's time to take on another exciting linguistic adventure. Get ready to dive into the realm of interrogative pronouns, my friend!

In the Dutch language, interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions and seek information about people, things, and concepts. These pronouns are specifically designed to introduce a question and are crucial for effective communication. In Dutch, interrogative pronouns are called "vragende voornaamwoorden." Let's explore the different interrogative pronouns used in Dutch:

  1. "Wie" (Who): This pronoun is used to inquire about a person or people. It can be used in both singular and plural forms. For example:

    • Wie is dat? (Who is that?)
    • Met wie ga je naar het feest? (Who are you going to the party with?)
  2. "Wat" (What): "Wat" is used to ask about things, actions, or concepts. It can also be used to ask for a clarification. For example:

    • Wat is je favoriete kleur? (What is your favorite color?)
    • Wat bedoel je precies? (What do you mean exactly?)
  3. "Welke" (Which): This interrogative pronoun is used to inquire about choices or options among a specific set. It has different forms depending on the gender and number of the noun it refers to. For example:

    • Welke auto rijd je? (Which car do you drive?)
    • Welk boek wil je lezen? (Which book do you want to read?)
  4. "Waar" (Where): "Waar" is used to ask about locations or places. It can also be used to ask for reasons or causes. For example:

    • Waar is de supermarkt? (Where is the supermarket?)
    • Waarom ben je te laat? (Why are you late?)
  5. "Wanneer" (When): This interrogative pronoun is used to ask about specific times or moments. It is often used in questions related to events or schedules. For example:

    • Wanneer vertrekken we? (When do we leave?)
    • Wanneer is je verjaardag? (When is your birthday?)
  6. "Hoe" (How): "Hoe" is used to ask about the manner, method, or condition of something. It can also be used to ask about quantities or qualities. For example:

    • Hoe gaat het met je? (How are you doing?)
    • Hoeveel kost dat? (How much does that cost?)

Making questions

Making questions with interrogative pronouns in Dutch is fairly straightforward. To create a question, you simply place the interrogative pronoun at the beginning of the sentence. Here's a general structure to follow:

Interrogative Pronoun + Verb + Subject + Rest of the Sentence

Let's look at some examples using different interrogative pronouns:

  1. "Wie" (Who):

    • Wie gaat er mee naar de bioscoop? (Who is going to the cinema?)
    • Met wie heb je gisteren gesproken? (Who did you talk to yesterday?)
  2. "Wat" (What):

    • Wat is je favoriete vakantiebestemming? (What is your favorite vacation destination?)
    • Wat wil je eten vanavond? (What do you want to eat tonight?)
  3. "Welke" (Which):

    • Welke kleur vind je het mooist? (Which color do you like the most?)
    • Welke film heb je gisteravond gezien? (Which movie did you watch last night?)
  4. "Waar" (Where):

    • Waar ben je geboren? (Where were you born?)
    • Waarom ben je naar Nederland verhuisd? (Why did you move to the Netherlands?)
  5. "Wanneer" (When):

    • Wanneer ga je op vakantie? (When are you going on vacation?)
    • Wanneer begint de vergadering? (When does the meeting start?)
  6. "Hoe" (How):

    • Hoe gaat het met je? (How are you doing?)
    • Hoeveel broers en zussen heb je? (How many siblings do you have?)

Remember, these examples represent a basic structure, and you can modify them based on the context and the specific information you are seeking.

So, remember:


Congratulations on completing this lesson on interrogative pronouns in Dutch! By familiarizing yourself with these essential question words, you've acquired a valuable tool for effective communication and information-seeking in the language.