Everything about Dutch culture and language
Adverbs and their placement in sentences

Adverbs and their placement in sentences

In any language, adverbs play a vital role in adding emotion, beauty, and detail to sentences. Their purpose is to describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, bringing precision and depth to language. This article delves into Dutch adverbs, known as "bijwoorden" in Dutch, highlighting their placement, formation, and usage in sentences. By understanding Dutch adverbs, learners can enrich their language skills and appreciate the nuances of this beautiful language.

English learners often associate adverbs with words ending in "ly" (e.g., quietly, carefully, calmly). While this is not entirely applicable to Dutch, there are similarities in how adverbs are categorized in English and Dutch. Both languages use adverbs that can be classified into five main categories: time, place, frequency, manner, and degree.

Placement #1 

Similar to English, it is common in Dutch to place the adverb as close to the verb as possible. Consider the following example:

English: I run easily. Dutch: Ik loop gemakkelijk. (Easily = gemakkelijk)

In both languages, the adverb "easily" appears right after the verb "run." This placement ensures clarity and precision in expressing the manner in which the action is performed.

Placement #2:

Adverb placement can vary depending on the type, reason, and subject of the sentence. To emphasize the adverb, it can be placed at the beginning of the sentence. Take a look at the following example:

English: Usually, I always have plans. Dutch: Gewoonlijk, heb ik altijd plannen.

In this case, the adverb "usually" (gewoonlijk) is highlighted at the beginning of the sentence, drawing attention to the frequency of having plans.

Placement #3

Another common adverb placement in Dutch is the time-manner-place structure. Adverbs of time precede adverbs of manner, and adverbs of manner precede adverbs of place. Here's an example:

English: Yesterday, I ate happily outside in the garden. Dutch: Gisteren, at ik gelukkig buiten in de tuin.

Adverb of Time: yesterday (gisteren) Adverb of Manner: happily (gelukkig) Adverb of Place: outside (buiten)

By following the time-manner-place placement, Dutch speakers can provide clear and organized descriptions of actions or events.

While there are more complex adverb placement structures, focusing on these three types will lay a solid foundation. Now that you have gained insights into the structure of adverbs in Dutch, let's embark on expanding your Dutch vocabulary.

Let's explore some commonly used Dutch adverbs in different categories.

Dutch Adverbs of Time:

Adverbs of time help you express when something is happening. These words are frequently used in everyday conversations, allowing you to discuss daily activities and events.

  • Today: Vandaag
  • Tomorrow: Morgen
  • Yesterday: Gisteren
  • Lately: De laatste tijd
  • This week: Deze week
  • Right now: Nu
  • Tonight: Vanavond
  • Next week: Volgende week
  • Immediately: Meteen
  • Later: Straks
  • Then: Dan
  • Last night: Gisteravond
  • This morning: Vanmorgen
  • Recently: Onlangs

Dutch Adverbs of Place:

Adverbs of place inform you about the location or where something is happening. Mastering these adverbs will greatly enhance your ability to describe and navigate different settings.

  • Here: Hier
  • There: Daar
  • Everywhere: Overal
  • Outside: Buiten
  • Inside: Binnen
  • Somewhere: Ergens
  • Nowhere: Nergens
  • Over there: Daarginds
  • Far: Veel
  • Home: Thuis

Dutch Adverbs of Frequency:

Adverbs of frequency help you express how often something occurs. These adverbs provide valuable insights into daily routines, preferences, and special occasions.

  • Never: Nooit
  • Someday: Ooit
  • Rarely: Zelden
  • Usually: Gewoonlijk
  • Often: Vaak
  • Sometimes: Soms
  • Occasionally: Af en toe
  • Almost: Bijna
  • Always: Altijd
  • Regularly: Regelmatig
  • Almost never: Bijna nooit

Dutch Adverbs of Manner:

Adverbs of manner, like in English, describe how an action is performed. They add vividness and beauty to sentences, making your language more expressive.

  • Angrily: Kwaad
  • Happily: Gelukkig
  • Beautifully: Mooi
  • Loudly: Luid
  • Fluently: Vlot
  • Easily: Gemakkelijk
  • Badly: Slecht
  • Quite: Nogal
  • Mostly: Merendeels
  • Really: Echt
  • Quickly: Snel
  • Carefully: Voorzichtig
  • Slowly: Langzaam
  • Lovingly: Liefdevol
  • Hardly: Nauwelijks
  • Stupidly: Stom

Dutch Adverbs of Degree:

Adverbs of degree express the intensity or extent of something. They are particularly useful when conveying strong emotions or emphasizing certain aspects.

  • Almost: Bijna
  • Very: Heel/Erg
  • Completely: Helemaal
  • Extremely: Zeer
  • Fully: Volledig
  • A lot: Veel
  • Not much: Weinig
  • More or less: Min of meer
  • Hardly: Nauwelijks
  • Absolutely: Absoluut
  • Enough: Genoeg
  • A bit: Een beetje
  • Not enough: Onvoldoende

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing Dutch adverbs can significantly enhance your conversational skills. Remember that there are various types of adverbs, each serving a specific purpose.