Everything about German culture and language
German pronouns

German pronouns

Hey, let's talk about German personal pronouns! German, like English, has a variety of personal pronouns that are used to refer to people and things in different contexts. Let's take a closer look at them.

First, there are the subject pronouns. These are used to replace the subject of a sentence, and they vary depending on the gender and number of the noun they are replacing. Here are the subject pronouns in German:

  • ich (I)
  • du (you, singular informal)
  • er (he)
  • sie (she or they)
  • es (it)
  • wir (we)
  • ihr (you, plural informal)
  • sie (they, plural)
  • Sie (you, formal)

So, remember:

ichIIch bin müde.I am tired.
duyouDu bist nett.You are nice.
erheEr arbeitet viel.He works a lot.
siesheSie liest gerne Bücher.She likes to read books.
esitEs regnet heute.It is raining today.
wirweWir gehen spazieren.We are going for a walk.
ihryou allIhr seid meine Freunde.You all are my friends.
sie/Siethey/you(formal)Sie sind in Berlin.They are in Berlin. / You are in Berlin. (formal)
manoneMan muss Geduld haben.One must have patience.

Note: The pronoun "Sie" is capitalized when used as a formal address, while "sie" is lowercase when used to refer to a group of people.

It is crucial to learn subject pronouns in German because they play a vital role in creating a sentence with the typical subject-verb-object (SVO) word order. The subject pronoun identifies who or what is performing the action in the sentence, and it always comes before the verb. If you don't use the correct subject pronoun, the meaning of the sentence can change or become unclear. Therefore, mastering subject pronouns is essential for effectively communicating in German.